The International Non-Executive College Program – next edition starts in Q3

This program is for ‘non-Dutch speaking’ executives and professionals who want to prepare for a supervisory board position or who have recently started as a supervisory board member. Supervising is a profession, and it is crucial for members to be aware of their non- executive role, their requirements, Dutch governance issues, external supervisor policies and the challenges that come with the position.


 Klik hier om naar de Nederlandse website te gaan

In summary:

  • You will receive all the necessary basic knowledge and its practical application from top instructors and experienced non-executives.
  • You will gain insight into Dutch board dynamics and the potential pitfalls in your non-executive.
  • You will have a personal PACT assessment specially designed for non-executives imcluding a personal meeting about your profile as a non-executive.
  • You will become part of a high value en relevant board network.
  • You will get access to our online GoedeMorgenCommissaris (Good Morning Boardmembers) sessions, every Wednesday from 08.15 till 08.57 h. (Mostly in Dutch)
  • You will have access to our monthly online masterclasses. (Mostly in Dutch)
  • You will be included in our search database.

What we offer is more than just a program; it is a package of opportunities.


Introduction presentation about the 4 roles of a non-executive

  1. Soundboard/advisor
  2. Employer (incl. remuneration of executives and succession planning)
  3. Supervisor
  4. ‘Antenna’ (also ‘Ambassador’?)

Governance general 09:00-10:45

  • Dutch Governance principles, rights and obligations, liability.
  • Which basic principles from law and corporate governance codes apply and what do they imply for the role and responsibilities of non-executives and executives?


Governance internal 11:00 – 13:00

The organization of proper governance. Recurring and thematic items.

  • Strategy planning and implementation




Governance internal 14:00 – 15:45

The organization of proper governance. Recurring and thematic items.

  • Strategic Human Resources Management (SHRM)
  • Evaluation of executives and remuneration principles
  • (self) evaluation of performance


The outside world: external auditors 16:00 – 17:45

External auditors

  • Legal and regulatory requirements and duties, what are the key moments and items during the reporting year?
  • How can the supervisory board utilize the relationship with the external auditor (better)?

The outside world: Relevant 3rd parties and stakeholders 09:00 – 11:00

    • Stakeholder management
    • Societal trends, public opinion, NGO’s, reputation


Culture: Dutch board dynamics, the gain of trust and suitability 11:15 – 13:00

    • Board dynamics, composition and personal characteristics of the members of the board
    • Cultural aspects of being a non-executive in the Netherlands




Governance in Action: case studies 14:00 – 16:00

Farewell drinks

Program Sessions

The program consists of a getting-to know each other dinner on September 24. Followed by two days of sessions on September 25 and September 26 from 9.00 PM to 17.00 PM (followed by a buffet). The sessions will address the key topics for non-executive board members and are guided by top specialists (‘knowledge partners’) and highly experienced non-executive board members (‘experience partners’).

Our knowlegde partners are senior executives/staff from a.o: Deloitte, Mercer, DLA Piper, Oliver Wyman, Edelman.


  • Roles and Personal Impact
  • Dutch Corporate Law
  • One-and two tier boards
  • Dutch Corporate Governance Codes
  • Strategy Planning and Implementation
  • Roles of Employership of Non-Executives
  • Stakeholder Management
  • External Reputation Management
  • Board Dynamics
  • Intercultural Management
  • Governance in Action: case studies


During the program, participants can join the these Good Morning Boardmember sessions, a weekly online breakfast seminar (every Wednesday morning from 8:15 AM to 8:57 AM) covering current topics for board members, mostly in Dutch.


All current participants and alumni of our educational programs are welcome to attend HemingwayConnect. This allows you to remain updated and to meet alumni from other cohorts. HemingwayConnect takes place two or three times a year on Friday afternoons.

The Non-Executive PACT Assessment

The PACT assessment is an innovative and proven tool to gain insight in your core qualities as a future supervisor. The tool identifies your strengths and areas where you excel by nature, as well as areas where you perform be it with more effort.  What does this mean for your role in a supervisory board?

One-on-One Advisory Conversation

If desired, you will have a one-on-one conversation with Hemingway Search to discuss the possibilities for board membership, taking into account the outcomes of the PACT measurement and your personal insights from the program.


Participants will receive the Hemingway Supervisory Board Certificate upon completion.

Practical Information:

Location: Roemer Visscherstraat 44, 1054 EZ Amsterdam.

Investment: €7950,- excluding VAT.

For more information: Maurice Eykman at 020 226 1218 or
