Online Self-Evaluation for the Board

At Hemingway, we have just one ambition: ensuring the optimal functioning of supervisory boards and boards of commissioners. Our online board evaluation provides an efficient way to conduct an effective self-assessment. We continuously improve our online tool by incorporating the most relevant and up-to-date insights from our daily practice and interactions with supervisory board members. By having supervisory board members and executives complete our online survey, you gain a clear understanding of your board’s performance.

Investment: €1,350 (excl. VAT), regardless of the board’s size.

Are you looking for a guided board evaluation? Read more about our options here.

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Enhanced Online Self-Evaluation Tool

Hemingway has been evaluating commissioners and supervisory board members for years, giving us deep insights into practice and the ability to quickly identify recurring themes, patterns, and pitfalls. This enables us to continuously improve our evaluation tool, ensuring that all current themes and relevant topics receive the attention they deserve. The latest update of the online self-evaluation ensures an even clearer insight into the performance of your board. Even in years when the board conducts its self-evaluation without external guidance.

Key Questions

In every evaluation, the key questions are: Is the foundation in order? Are we focusing on the right topics? How does decision-making work, and are we making the right decisions? Are we receiving sufficient and accurate information? How is the relationship with the executive board? How do we interact with each other? And what is each individual’s contribution and added value? Do we recognize each other’s pitfalls?

In addition to these key questions, our online tool also provides space for other important questions. A great example of this: recently, we have noticed in multiple evaluations that discomfort—especially when it is vague or undefined—is rarely addressed within the board. Addressing this topic in an online self-evaluation can be challenging, but with our latest update, we ask targeted questions and present the results in a way that fosters open and constructive discussions within the board. Our clients are highly enthusiastic about this tool and the way it enables them to initiate and objectify discussions on sensitive topics.

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