Enrich yourself and the board.

The delicate process of reflection and self-analysis of the board is in trusted hands with Hemingway. We understand the dynamics of the boardroom and help members gain (new) insights while co-creating added value. In well-guided sessions, we address behavior and patterns, providing a comfortable environment for inspiration, development, and synergy. A PACT analysis is part of the evaluation.

Board Evaluation

At Hemingway, we have just one ambition: to ensure the optimal functioning of the boards of companies and other organizations. The annual self-evaluation aims to discuss this performance. Almost all (Governance) Codes stipulate that a self-evaluation of the supervisory board must be facilitated by an external expert at least once every two to three years. This is also beneficial, as it reduces the risk of tunnel vision, makes it easier to address sensitive issues, and helps objectify the findings.

Key Questions

In every evaluation, the key questions are: Is the foundation in order? Are we focusing on the right topics? How does decision-making work, and are we making the right decisions? Are we receiving sufficient and accurate information? How do we interact with each other? And what is each individual’s contribution and added value? Do we recognize each other’s pitfalls?

We pay close attention to these final questions, as a safe and trusted environment is essential for the optimal functioning of the board. It’s a space where open conversations can take place, where members can inspire each other, and where (disruptive) behavior patterns can be recognized.

How do we approach an optimally facilitated board evaluation?

Board Evaluation Premium – Optimal Support for Deepening the Board’s Functioning

For in-depth evaluation (typically once every two years), Hemingway facilitates the entire process, including individual interviews with all supervisory board members, executives, and other key stakeholders, as well as a PACT measurement for the board members.

Board Evaluation – Online with Guidance

Based on the completion of an online evaluation by supervisory board members and executives, Hemingway will facilitate the evaluation during the board meeting and provide advice on follow-up actions. The questions for the evaluation are always based on the latest insights we have gained through our numerous interactions with market parties, our educational programs, and recent board evaluations.

Board Evaluation Online

An efficient way to conduct an effective self-evaluation through the completion of an online self-assessment by supervisory board members and executives. Here too, we incorporate the most relevant and recent insights from our daily practice and interactions with supervisory board members. You will receive an automatically generated report with recommendations and ‘best practices’ for concrete follow-up actions.

More information?

Fill out the form below or contact René Geskes at geskes@hemingway-pg.nl or 020-226 1218.

NB Permanent Up-to-Date Subscription: Combine a board evaluation with a subscription to other Hemingway services for an attractive rate. More information can be found here.

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