Stay permanently up-to-date

Are you ready for your next (or first) step as a non-executive? Do you feel confident in meeting the current demands of governance?
Introduction to Hemingway Education – the leading knowledge and networking institute for commissioners and supervisory board members in the Netherlands. We prepare (potential) supervisory board members for the new role of governance in today’s world. We also help more experienced commissioners enhance their skills, delve into dilemmas, and, of course, stay up-to-date. The added value lies in the connection with like-minded individuals within the Hemingway network.

Commissioner Training Programs

Training programs for both beginner and experienced commissioners and supervisory board members.

Societal attention for supervisory board members and commissioners is increasing, as is the complexity of the role. Commissioners have a completely different role than executives; governance is, in fact, a profession in itself. In the training programs offered by Hemingway, beginner supervisory board members can learn about their roles in the board and how to effectively fulfill them. Experienced commissioners can further hone their expertise, deepen their understanding of dilemmas, and, of course, stay up-to-date.


Online Training Program for Commissioners

The Hemingway Academy offers comprehensive online masterclasses on topics relevant to every commissioner. From governance, audit, and HR management to sustainability, digital trends, and innovation. These courses cover general background information, challenges, and risks, but most importantly, they focus on the commissioner’s perspective: what questions should you, as a supervisory board member, be asking, and which issues should you bring to the attention of the executive board?


Morning Exercise for Supervisory Board Members and Executives

Every Wednesday morning, we address a current topic that both the supervisory board member and the executive should be aware of, or could be, or should be. Renowned expert speakers provide background on important events and insights. Experienced commissioners interpret them from a practical perspective. Short, impactful, high-level, and to the point.